
Most of my courses were evaluated by the Center for Quality Assurance and Development (ZQ) of the JGU. If you are interested in the results, please contact me.


I am a winner of the Teaching Award of the JGU 2021 endowed with 1,000€.


The Political System of Germany

30 courses for undergraduate students

German Basic Law, Constitutional Institutions, Party and Electoral System, Political Participation, Policy-Analysis

Supervision of Term Papers


Introduction to Political Sociology

1 lecture for B.A., B.Ed, M.Ed. and M.A. students

Values and Attitudes, Political Culture, Political Participation and its Determinants, Social Capital

Final Exam


Parliament and Government

2 lecture for B.A., B.Ed, M.Ed. and M.A. students

Separation of powers, constitutional framework, law-making, Bundestag, Bundesrat, Bundesregierung, tendencies of decreasing parliament's influence

Final Exam


Political Parties

2 lectures for B.A., B.Ed, M.Ed. and M.A. students

Evolution of parties as an organizartion (including factions), mass party, catch-all party, linkage failure, cartel parties, movement parties, digital party, membership concepts, German party law and legal aspects of party financing, party systems.

Final Exam


Political Parties and Digitalization

1 course for M.A. students

The course deals with digitalization efforts by political parties in Western democracies. The course first introduces central concepts and key stages of party development. During the secon part, students research, discuss and review (written assignment) papers on the topic (Journal Club). The third part of the course deals with most recent papers and questions of this research field. 

Supervision of Term Papers


Political Parties

1 course for undergraduate students and M.Ed. students

The course sheds light on political parties and their evolution as organizations. Building on the definition of political parties by Georg Jellinek, the journey starts in the 19th century and compares party organizations in four countries (UK, It, Fr, Ge). We discuss intraparty democracy, party finance, party change, membership, and digitalization.

Supervision of Term Papers


Candidates, Campaigns and Political Communication

1 course for M.A. students (course language: English)

The course combines political psychology and political communication. We discussed traits, negative campaigning, gender differences in campaigning, different modes like door-to-door canvassing and social media campaigning.

Supervision of Term Papers


Internet and Politics

2 courses for undergraduate students and M.Ed. students

The internet influences different spheres of politics: participation, mobilization, campaigning as well as aspects of privacy and security. The course provides an overview over these aspects.

Supervision of Term Papers


Political Campaigns

2 courses for undergraduate students and M.Ed. students

Political campaigns intend to mobilize support for a political position or a candidate. The understanding of campaigns combines different aspects of political science: political psychology, political communication and voting behaviour. The course introduces central ideas of campaign research and discusses different cases. During last part of the course, students take a closer look at recent, local campaigns from a comparative perspective.

Supervision of Term Papers


Digital Political Communication

2 courses for B.A. and M.Ed. students

Agenda-Setting, Framing, priming, political psychology, campaign communication, propagands and communication during political conflicts, case studies

Supervision of Term Papers


The Digital Divide and its Political Consequences

1 course for B.A., M.Ed. and M.A. students (course language: English)

The course focuses digital inequalities and the influence on democratic values, participation, political knowledge and e-government. 

Supervision of Term Papers


Politics in the German Länder

1 course for undergraduate students and M.Ed. students

Länder constitutions, prime ministers, Länder parliaments and decision-making, coalitions, party systems, elections, regional political culture.

Supervision of Term Papers (suspended because of parental leave).



1 course for undergraduate students and M.Ed. students

coalition formation (RC and neo-institutionalism), bargaining, sustaining and terminating coalitions, emiprical findings

Supervision of Term Papers (suspended because of parental leave).


Civil Society - Concept and Comparison

1 course for undergraduate students and M.Ed. students

Development of Civil Society as a concept, MDSD, MSSD, case studies

Supervision of Term Papers


NGOs in Germany

1 course for undergraduate students and M.Ed students

Civil Society, Najam's 4Cs-Model, Governance Apprach, case studies

Supervision of Term Papers


Data Mining

2 courses for undergraduate students

Introduction to data mining using SPSS (sytax based)

Final exam


OLS-Regression and its application

1 course for undergraduate students

modeling and interpretation of OLS-regressions using SPSS

Supervision of Term Papers


Statistics I

5 courses for undergraduate students

Introduction to statistics for students of the social sciences


Professional Perspectives for Political Science Graduates

7 courses for undergraduate and graduate students

Blended-Learning-Course with guests from different professional fields














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