
"Country or Party Factors? The use of Google Ads by Political Parties during the 2024 European Election" at DVPW Kongress, Göttingen, 24.-27.09.2024, mit Felix-Christopher von Nostitz.


"Party on the Digital Ground? Changing membership concepts in the digital Post-COVID environment" at DVPW Kongress, Göttingen, 24.-27.09.2024, mit Lars J. Hinkel.


"Digital Transformation and Digital Democratic Innovation in Established Political Parties: Challenges and Strategies" at CES, Lyon, 03.-05.07.2024, mit Anna Lopatina, Jessica Haak und Frauke Schöne.


"E-Campaigning während der Bundestagswahl 2021 – Ein Blick in das Google Ad Library" at DVPW AK Parteienforschung, Göttingen, October 11th-12th, 2023, with Felix-Christopher von Nostitz.


"Zur Erneuerung politischer Parteien durch Digitalisierung" at DVPW AK Parteienforschung, Göttingen, October 11th-12th, 2023, with Anna Lopatina and Jessica Haak.


"Digital leaders. How the digital is changing political leadership" at the ECPR General Conference, Prag, September 04th-08th, 2023, with F. Ramón Villaplana Jiménez.


"(H)Appy Citizens? A political science perspective on the value of political Apps for democratic systems" at the ECPR General Conference, Prag, September 04th-08th, 2023.


"Dark Social and Political Support of Parties and Movements" at the ECPR Virtual Joint Sessions 2021. May 25th-28th, 2021.


"Political Parties and their Online Platforms – User friendly and secure, or just nice to look at?" at IPSA 2020/2021 in Lissabon together with Gefion Thuermer (presented by Gefion Thuermer)


"Creating Awareness in Counter Corruption – An evaluation of the agenda setting potential of counter corruption organizations" at the ECPR Virtual General Conference 2020.


"Mehr als immer nur dagegen - Die legislative Agenda grüner Parteien in Deutschland und Österreich in Zeiten Großer Koalitionen" at the Inaugural conference of the DVPW Arbeitskreis "Vergleichende Parlamentarismusforschung", October 10th-11th, 2019 in Frankfurt/Main (together with Sabrina J. Mayer) 


"Five Pillar Model of Parties Migration into the Digital" at the ECPR General Conference 2019, September 4th, 2019 in Wroclaw/Poland


"Kapitale Konsequenzen - Bourdieus Kapitalformen, politische Organisationen und webbasierte Technologien" at the CAIS, September 2nd, 2019 in Bochum/Germany


“When the Iron Law meets the Digital Divide - Political Parties and their Affiliates in the Digital Age” at the Workshop “Cyber parties: New parties, ICTs and organization in the digital age”, University of Valencia, Spain, December 13th-14th, 2018


“Media Convergence and intra-party responsiveness using ICTs – a comparison of conservative parties’ digital presence” at the Workshop “Cyber parties: New parties, ICTs and organization in the digital age”, University of Valencia, Spain, December 13th-14th, 2018 (presented by Isabelle Borucki)


“‘Net’ Gain? Chances and Challenges for Political Organizations in the Digital” Keynote at the TUM Doctoral Student Workshop in Munich, Germany, December 29th-30th, 2018


"When the Iron Law meets the Digital Divide - Political Parties and their Affiliates in the Digital Age" at the ECPR General Conference 2018, August, 24th, 2018 in Hamburg/Germany


"Capital Question - Discussing linkage through parties’ digital presence based on Bourdieu’s Theory of Capital" at the ECPR Joint Sessions 2018, April 12th, 2018 in Nicosia/Cyprus


"#BTW17 - an analysis of six parties' Twitter behaviour during election campaigns and after election day" at the EUSN17, September 27th, 2017 in Mainz


"Tweeting louder - becoming bigger? Measuring the agenda-setting potential of CSOs and political parties through twitter" CRiSS lecture series, in Mainz, May 31st, 2017


„Was bedeutet die Parteiidentifikation für ihre Anhänger? – Ein analytischer rahmen zur Betrachtung der Inhaltsdimension von Identität“ at the Annual Conference of the DVPW-Arbeitskreis „Wahlen und politische Einstellungen“, in Frankfurt/Main, May 18th-19th, 2017 with Sabrina J. Mayer


"#BTW17 - Themen und Strategien" Guest Speaker at the Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing, May 8th, 2017 in Tutzing


“Politische Wurzelbehandlung –Können Parteien und zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen im Umgang mit ihren gesellschaftlichen Wurzeln voneinander lernen?” Research Point Democratic Innovations at the Goethe Universität Frankfurt/Main, April 7th-8th, 2017


"Protest Professionals? Is it the protest that spreads or is it the protestor that travels?" at the“Cross-movement Mobilization”-Conference, April 5th-7th, 2017 in Bochum/Germany, with Lisa Villioth, presented by Lisa Villioth 


„Political Communication of Political Parties and Civil Society Organizations online --- all the same?” at the ECPR Graduate Student Conference, July 10th-13th, 2016 in Tartu/Estonia (with paper)


„Bourdieu’s Theory of Capital re-tested: Consequences from Social Media Adaptation for NPOs” at the ECPR Graduate Student Conference in Tartu July 10th-13th, 2016 in Tartu/Estonia (with paper)


"Demokratie- und Parteienverdrossenheit - aktuelle Fallbeispiele." Guest Speaker at the Conference for Sholarship Holders of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, April 29th-30th, 2016 in Königswinter/Germany


„Wie nutzen zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen das Web 2.0 um ihre (politischen) Ziele erfolgreich zu verfolgen? – ein Zwischenstand.“ Workshop at Maecenata Forschungscollegium July 3rd, 2015 in Berlin/Germany


“Exploring the meaning of party identification - A qualitative approach” at the ECPR  General Conference, September 3rd-6th, 2014 in Glasgow/Scotland with Sabrina Mayer (with paper)


„Macht Nicht-Religiosität unglücklich?“ at the 6th Workshop of the AqR, October 17th-18th, 2014 in Würzburg/Germany with Christoph Mohamad-Klotzbach


„Religion und Sozialisation“ at the 4th Workshop of the AqR, October 26th-27th, 2012 in Leipzig/Germany with Mira Hassan (with paper)


„Der Einfluss der Unsichtbaren Religion auf das Wahlverhalten.“ at the joint session of the DVPW-Standing group Religion and Politics and the DVPW-Standing group on Elections and Political Attitudes, March 10th-11th, 2011 in Berlin/Germany with Christoph Mohamad


„Der Einfluss der Religion auf Soziales Vertrauen. Ein Ländervergleich.“ at the 3rd Workshop of the AqR, October 20th-21th, 2011 in Cologne/Germany with Mira Hassan (with paper)


„Von links nach rechts zur Mitte? Auswirkungen des Umfelds auf die Links-Rechts-Selbstpositionierung.“ at the 3rd Students' Sociology Conference, October 6th-8th, 2011 in Berlin/Germany with Regina Renner and Gloria Remlein

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© Jasmin Fitzpatrick